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Acupuncture Tesitmonials

Here is a recent video we produced with the help of some of our customers. Thank you to everyone who helped out and shared their personal experiences of Hemma Community Acupuncture.

I recommend Hemma whenever I can

My name is Ronnie -Darlene Boothe,

I heard about Hemma from a friend and made an appointment to see Micheal Hall.

He is a master Healer and after numerous appointment accompained with peace and calm I have found healing in my hands which have bad Arthritus. I have been to numerious specialist and agencies who could not help me.  Michael’s Accupunture treatments have. I am so grateful for this, Michael, and the healing atmosphere of Hemma.

I recommend Hemma whenever I can to let others find the healing I have and to help Hemma grow.

 I wish you all peace, joy and love this special season

Warm Regards Ronnie

The Healing Power of Acupuncture in Cancer Treatment

Getting a diagnosis of cancer is a life changing event that leaves you feeling like you have no control over your health or destiny.  We are very fortunate in BC to have one of the best cancer treatment agencies in Canada that only uses evidence-based treatment that consists primarily of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and drug therapy.  All of these treatments are so hard on your body and spirit. After my surgery and first round of chemotherapy I was feeling that I would never get through this treatment and questioned whether I would ever be healthy again.  I was fortunate to have someone I met at a support group refer me to Hemma.  She knew Michael at Hemma had treated someone with my type of cancer and encouraged me to try acupuncture suggesting that it may help me deal with all the side effects that I was experiencing including nausea, pain, sleeplessness and overall weakness.  The Cancer Agency did give me some information on adjunct therapies to try but there is no referral or partnership with these community agencies; you must take the initiative and search out for yourself what works best for you.  When I researched the impact of acupuncture and cancer treatment, there were reports of positive impacts but most studies had patients attending 2 to 3 times weekly.  Given that Hemma is a community treatment approach, it was affordable for me to include in my treatment plan.

Beginning with the first meeting with Michael, I felt that I was being listened to, and we started where I was, anxious and very ill from the side effects of chemotherapy.  This was the start of a relationship that continues to be such an important force in my healing. The focus of each treatment is always in response to how I am feeling that day and what I want to focus on; I never feel rushed and conversation is easy.  The community setting is so comforting and peaceful, knowing that you are always able to get your acupuncturist’s eye if you need to, and you also can see the healing that is going on with the others in the room.  I have learnt so much from just being present in the room; there is a culture of respect and compassion for each other.  This caring approach is also present when you come in and schedule appointments with the Hemma staff who often ask me how I am doing and wish me the best as I leave.

I continue to work in partnership with Michael, Melissa and the other acupuncturists as I share information from the Cancer Agency and the results of diagnostic tests, and how I feel I am progressing.  It is a true team approach which gives me the ability to schedule appointments at times that work for me.   I feel supported through their words and touch as I struggle through some difficult days but laugh together at some of the challenges and experiences I deal with.  Slowly and surely I have gained more confidence in the Cancer Agency treatments and how I can strengthen and enhance my body’s ability to deal with the side effects through the acupuncture treatments and other activities I do including yoga, massage, meditation and hypnotherapy.  These treatments, not available from the Cancer Agency, have and continue to help me regain strength, both physical and emotional, and allow me to be as active as possible each day.

It is unfortunate that acupuncture is not widely recognized as an important therapy to help one deal with the negative impacts of Cancer treatment as chemotherapy and radiation attack our healthy cells as well.  Acupuncture has no side effects, not like many of the drugs that are prescribed to help alleviate side effects.  For me, it has been critical to my healing.  There is documented evidence to support this but I believe the most important evidence is one’s personal experience that is difficult to study in a scientific qualitative manner.  I hope my story will encourage others to try this treatment approach in similar situations.  I know that it takes a commitment to attend on a regular basis, just like we are asked to for chemotherapy and radiation, but isn’t that what is required for any part of your life?  I look forward to my appointments and the caring and healing that happens as soon as I enter the door at Hemma.- Leigh Ann

Thank You

I want to thank you personally for helping me as well with my eczema through acupuncture.  I truly believe that coming to acupuncture helped create a great shift in my body, and helped move healing energy around me.  Hemma has played a pivotal role in the evolution of my Self, so thank you so much…I truly did fall in love with this community.- Alexis

Thank you!


I love Hemma SO much. The atmosphere is so comfortable, warm and inviting, I never feel intimidated or that I don’t belong. The sliding scale prices for yoga is revolutionary. The teachers I’ve had and all the front desk staff are delightful. KEEP IT UP!! – Laura

New to Hemma

I am fairly new to hemma and I love the business model you have developed.  I love the entire experience at hemma – mostly the lovely people and clean welcoming ambience. It is a nice option for the sliding scale as I recently was away from work for health reasons and yoga at hemma helped me heal and stay motivated in my home practice and gave me a sense of community support which has importance in my healing. Thank you Hemma community!- Tara

Easy to get an appointment

Your acupuncture is affordable and it’s always easy to find an appointment time! Other clinics are often full and that is frustrating. I love the acupuncture practitioners! They are warm, friendly, honest, knowledgeable, and approachable.- Anonymous


I am retired on a fixed income so for me ‘affordability’ is an important consideration. That aside, the feeling of community and holistic atmosphere that Hemma offers was what originally attracted me. As soon as you walk through those sun filled doors you feel a sense of a calm which is very nourishing. However, none of this meaningful, without the knowledge and nurturing professionalism that I have experienced.- Veronica


The most important factor for me is that it is affordable. I had wanted to try acupuncture for various conditions and I was never able to pursue it regularly due to the cost. The sliding scale at Hemma has enabled me to do that and I’m beginning to see some improvement in some of my chronic health conditions as I attend with more regularity. The atmosphere is very relaxed and the staff are knowledgeable and caring. Overall, Hemma is one of my favorite places to visit during the week for yoga or acupuncture.- Brooke

Community Acupuncture Model

I’ve really enjoyed participating in the community acupuncture model. There’s something very nice about sharing a wellness experience with others, even though we’re not directly communicating with each other. I have been very impressed with the reception staff and the registered acupuncturists, all of whom have been inviting, friendly, warm, and serene. I really enjoy that there is no feeling of being timed or rushed out of a treatment session; I really appreciate that I can leave when I feel ready to leave without feeling hurried. Finally, I have been very pleased with the treatments themselves. I’ve only been to Hemma three times, and each time I have left feeling that my time was worthwhile, and that I received exactly what I needed.- Scott

Welcoming and Healing Environment

It is a very welcoming and healing environment. A bit daunting at first because I dont want to interrupt others, but knowing they are there for the same thing – a quiet moment of peace to let things be, its a really nice vibe. I’m so used to it, that its strange to be there alone now. Its like we are all plugged in to relax and calm the body and mind. I love it!- Cindy