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Relaxing into Transitions

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Namaste Hemma community! Where do the months go? Summer melting into Autumn…it’s always an interesting blend of feelings and influence as the whispers of a fresh season unfold.

At the beginning of this summer, I had the amazing opportunity of assisting my teacher, Donna Farhi, at a 5 day intensive in Seattle called ‘Opening to Insight’. During the intensive, she pointed out in various ways that there is often a lot of prejudice in our culture around attending to fatigue. At one point she used the analogy of attending to thirst. You wouldn’t tend to thirst with a bowl of peanuts, for example – and yet this is exactly what our culture encourages us to do much of the time when we feel tired – reach for sugar, coffee, or other stimulants – another meeting, chore or activity. It’s not uncommon to develop a habit of ‘pushing through’ or suppressing waves of fatigue instead of being loyal to the messengers that help us to know when to honor the natural urge to stop and rest…not as a passive collapse, but as deep, conscious, revolutionary rest.Read More »Relaxing into Transitions