Bike to Hemma Week
It’s always a good time to re-evaluate our habits — how we commute to our… Read More »Bike to Hemma Week
It’s always a good time to re-evaluate our habits — how we commute to our… Read More »Bike to Hemma Week
As I prepare to step away from Hemma for maternity leave, I realize it’s been nine and a half years since I wandered through Hemma’s front door to check out a class. Little did I know that these orange and yellow walls would become my second home for nearly a decade! Sure I was looking for a nice Yoga class, but I was also quietly seeking a welcoming community where I could practice Karma Yoga (the Yoga of Action). I immediately knew I had found a home and started volunteering at Hemma shortly after. Over the years, as a student, teacher, patient, and manager I’ve had the privilege of experiencing the depth of this community from many different angles. I’ve been inspired by your stories, humbled by your practice, and honoured to have witnessed so much kindness amoung strangers. The consistent thread I’ve seen weaved through many of these interactions is a sense of openness and belonging. It’s an invisible yet palpable feeling that everyone who walks through the front door here can find a sense of home — regardless of your beliefs, your style, your budget, or what kind of day you’re having. My gratitude runs deep to have experienced this in this lifetime and in such a rich way.
Now I’m leaving the Hemma nest to embark on a whole new quest: Motherhood. After nine and a half months, my partner and I will be expecting our first baby this March. Our nesting instincts have begun – shifting furniture, making space, organizing every corner. Read More »Leaving the nest to build a nest
I attended a New Year’s Dance this morning as a way of appreciating everything 2017… Read More »Hello 2018