Community Acupuncture 101
A 2 Day Course on Community Acupuncture
Date: September 28-29, 2024
Location: Hemma
Course Fee: $300 limited to 12 students
Email michael@hemma.ca to register or for more information, use subject line: community acupuncture 101
In 2007 when Hemma community acupuncture opened we were the first community acupuncture clinic in Canada affiliated with POCA (Peoples Organization of Community Acupuncture), and the 18th such clinic in North America. 17 years later there are now more than 300 such clinics located throughout North America offering a combined total of nearly a million treatments a year. This clinic model offers tremendous value to the acupuncture profession as a whole and a tremendous value to our communities in terms of providing valuable health care needs. This 2 day workshop will give you the opportunity to explore and understand the history and background of community acupuncture, why it’s such an effective service delivery model, and how to go about working within or starting your own community acupuncture clinic.
Course Objectives:
Exploring community acupuncture as a unique service delivery model, we will examine the history, philosophy and fundamentals of community acupuncture, in order to gain a greater appreciation for its role within the larger practice of acupuncture. We will also examine and review the practical aspects of community acupuncture clinical practice and gain skills in patient care, assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and trauma informed care.

Happy Birthday Hemma!
We are celebrating 17 years of service. Come join us on October 6th to help us celebrate!
$10 Acupuncture
Birthday Cake
Prize Draw!
Book your appointment today to reserve a spot for Sunday!
Thank you all for your ongoing support!