As we move into the season of autumn, and the rain and clouds return, for some this can also mark the return of grief and melancholy. With so much of our desire to express and create thwarted by our present circumstances it is easy to feel hopeless, lost, without purpose. Somewhere in the depths of those feelings of grief and loss I believe there is a calling within our collective unconscious for stillness – a yearning for contemplation – and a desire for course correction. A course correction we are being called to make collectively and individually. I believe the course correction we are being pulled towards is one of care — towards one another and our planet.
As I was sitting at my alter this morning – something that I am trying to bring back into my daily practice – I was contemplating my gratitude. Lately I have found the practice of gratitude to be quite challenging. From one perspective it feels like life has heaped a rather large share of challenge and misfortune on me over the past year and a half. So I was practicing gratitude. And as I practiced I found it pretty easy to find things in my life that I am immensely grateful for – the roof over my head, my family, friendship, life on Vancouver island. I have much to be grateful for.
One of my biggest sources of gratitude is Hemma. This month marks our 15th year of service to the community. As I reflect on those 15 years I feel immense gratitude for the opportunity to serve so may people, to have provided a place of healing for so many. The ripples of gratitude reflect outward so far beyond my own recognition and understanding. For everyone who shared in that, I thank you from my heart.
Because of the times we are in, this year will mark another year without much celebration and fanfare, but our community spirit of care and loving will not be diminished. I feel great gratitude for all of you who have participated in the idea, in the vision of Hemma. For all of you who have benefited in some way, and for all of you who have given your time, your energy, your enthusiasm, towards this vision of care, I thank you.