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HST is Gone..No Foolin’!

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Thanks to the elimination of the HST today, our fees just went down 7%!  Beginning today all our yoga passes are 7% less, and all acupuncture fees will include tax.  We don’t think it is ever appropriate to charge any form of sales tax on a healthcare service, but we are glad that it went from 12% to 5% today.  Thanks to Christy Clark for the swell April Fools Gift!

In 2009, then premier Campbell was quoted as saying, “This is the single biggest thing we can do to improve B.C.’s economy.”  As a small business owner, I didn’t experience much improvement as a result of the change, instead, I witnessed the added burden that was placed on customers, at a time when many were already struggling to make ends meet. Perhaps this change will result in “the single biggest thing we can do to improve our economy.”

So go out an enjoy a meal at your favorite local restaurant, get your hair styled at your neighborhood salon, enjoy a yoga class, get a massage!  I know your local small business owners will appreciate your patronage, and as of today, it just got a little more affordable!