We would like to introduce you to one of our Yoga teachers –Taryn Strong. You can take her lovely Hatha Yoga class on Mondays & Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm.
What can students expect from your classes?
Students can expect to leave the studio feeling much better than when they entered the studio! They will feel more relaxed, rejuvenated, and grounded. I am truly passionate about yoga and love to share yogic philosophy and/or inspiring quotes in my classes, as well as the benefits of the poses. I am thrilled to see students taking one hour out of their busy schedule to dedicate to self care. Every class will have a focus on the breath. Students will be met where they are that day and shavasana will be blissful with beautiful music. After my class expect to feel great on the inside and out!
What is your favourite way to take yoga off the mat?
My favourite was to take yoga off the mat is to cultivate mindfulness whenever I can! Yoga changed my life many moons ago by showing me on the mat what it means (and how it feels) to be truly present in the moment. Taking that mindfulness off the mat and into this beautiful life is such a gift. Slowing down the mind chatter, meditating on the breath and just BEING versus DOING. How many times a day do we usher in the capacity for self care, self worth, self value and self esteem? If it was not for my yoga practice I imagine I would still be living in my head – stressed out, over reacting, and constantly worrying about the “what if’s”. My practice has taught me how to have the tools to et go of the past and not to worry about the future. Surrendering is serenity!
Taryns Website: www.anahatamoonyoga.com